What's Next for Gold and Silver Prices?

I will provide some updated forecasts for gold, as well as some thoughts about silver, another of my favorite markets to trade right now.

What's Next for Gold and Silver Prices?

Readers of my newsletters know well that I have been very bullish on gold for a long time. On April 27, 2023, I wrote, “I am now expecting a corrective cycle in gold that should result in either a sharp price correction back to $1800 per ounce, or a protracted period of choppy consolidation as the market digests the recent sharp rally from $1615 to $2048 that began last fall. I will be looking to buy the next corrective sell-off and play for an even larger rally that will take us well above $2,000 per ounce.”

Then, on October 11, 2023, I wrote, “We finally hit my buying zone last Friday, the 6th of October, when it reached $1810. I have covered my shorts, and I am now expecting the anticipated rally to develop. Overall, I think that the mid-$1800’s are a great buying zone for a move that will likely surprise many people with its eventual force.” Well, the anticipated move higher is well underway. We have touched $2354 today, having rallied 30% since that buy recommendation. Later in today’s write-up, I will provide some updated forecasts for gold, as well as some thoughts about silver, another of my favorite markets to trade right now.