A Very Worrying Story for the US Economy The overall macroeconomic scene is, frankly, a big mess right now. One might say that if things start to unravel, then the scene would quickly devolve from being a mess to being outright terrifying.
What's Next for Gold and Silver Prices? I will provide some updated forecasts for gold, as well as some thoughts about silver, another of my favorite markets to trade right now.
America's Fiscal Time Bomb: A Looming Crisis? This coming crisis of confidence can still be avoided, but the current trajectory certainly guarantees a fiscal crisis in the relatively near future
The Dangerous Issues the Fed Is Not Addressing What is really happening here? Why might the Fed want to embark on such a dangerous path?
Long-Term Impact of the Bank of Japan's Important Decision As this move by the BOJ will be the first such move in seventeen years, we really must not underestimate the importance of this decision.
An Increasingly Risky Economic Picture In recent years, the Fed engineered a massive boom with the largest money supply increase in percentage terms since World War II. Are we going to have the bust to follow?
Decoding the Current Market Paradox and What This Means for Gold Clearly, the current situation is rare in every regard, and we need to examine it more closely in order to figure out the true macro conditions in the market today.